Thursday, December 31, 2009

Special Thanks 2009

2009, was another year of major growth for me! I learned a boat load. About myself and the process of film and video production. I could not have done this alone, and thus would like to thank some of folks who helped guide and flow with me over the last 365 days of this first decade of the new millenium. Here it goes.

First I'd like to thank the team of A Thank You From The Heart Kassandra Langum, Joseph Young, Daniel Steinberg, Clayton Ebeling, and Maryann Bauer.

Justin Staggs, Randy Smith, Andrew Melby, TJ Schwingle, Kristina Harris, Alex Bowes, Ben Thompson, and Strike Anywhere. By shadowing them I learned how all parts come together to create a solid and engaging music video.

Kay Hussein, Gus Roble, Ciise Cali, Mohamed Sufi, Lil' Lee, and everybody at Fresh Entertainment for the opportunities they've given me.

Matt Osterman, Christopher Grap, Jennifer Kramer, Matt Ehling, Charles Abel, and Jillian Yerks for speaking with our portfolio class. Your insight and advice has and will continue to be noted and remembered.

Nicki Andert, James Norgard, Chris Bakke, Benjamin Brady, Carol Vnuk, Bre Füss, Vashti Knazze, Justin Tholl, Mccrae Olson, Laura Goldknopf, Sam Hanus, Frank Gores, and Dan Past. Their efforts in the endurance tests that our Film Races this year taught me a ton about the collaborative process of film creation. From pre to post production the entire picture is becoming all to clear, or in the case of the 48 Hour Film Project it was the sound... *sigh

As always, lessons learned.

Jennifer Staggs for the warm coffee on the cold shoots. Rich Peterson for the awesome profile picture. Jake Young for the dvd slip prints and friendly help. Matthew Feeney for his open casting workshop for the 48 Hour Film Project. Corey Schmidt for the national gig to grind 'n' shine on. Bigfoot with the hand off, and [pause] touchdown! Dmitry Futoryan and Patrick Schaefer for helping make a long and grinding day enjoyable. Laughter and grub is key to smiles on set. That and a detailed layout or blueprint of the crafts services table...

Lastly, John McCaffrey and Richard Oxley for giving me the space and freedom to pursue my dreams. As crazy as they may be. Thank you, everybody.God bless, and may the New Year bring you all fortune, liberty, and happiness.

Twenty-Ten here we come! Big things are coming. I promise you all that.

Nacht Der Untoten

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

25 Films of X-Mas

Well It's seems I've got some time off! Kinda.

I'm planning on watching a slew of flicks these next few weeks...

Citizen Kane
Day of the Dead
District 9
The Hangover
I Am Legend
Inglourious Basterds
John Q
Omega Man
Public Enemies
Road to Perdition
Sherlock Holmes
Snakes on a Plane
Toy Soldiers
Toxic Avenger
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
The Zombie Diaries
Zombie Hunter Rika
500 Days of Summer

Not looking to just be a passive participant in my entertainment outside of creating some of my own... I plan to play a few video games this season on top of it all. Pandemic's swan song The Saboteur, Assassins Creed II, and maybe a little Modern Warfare 2 to boot! Thanks, Mr. Kotick!

Really, during this break I'll be wrapping up this set of videos for Fresh Entertainment artist Kay. A behind the scenes trilogy for his song Put Some Sauce On It as well as a music video for his new mixtape track Better Believe It. They'll all show up some time in early 2010.

Speaking of which as I'm on a list kick I'm also going to be throwing up my top nine of 2009 in the next few days. Lastly I've got a few more things to get off my chest before this decade wraps up so expect a few more blogs. Stay tuned.

Ab Urbe Condita

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We Done Did It!

We won Best Picture at the 2009 Filmanthropist Project!

I'd like to first thank the Director and amazingly talented dame who set this all up Kassandra Langum! Clayton Ebeling and Joesph Young who did another mint job on lights! As well as Daniel Steinberg who did mixing other other such QA on the project to perfection. Last but not least Mary Ann who was the backbone and subject of our film. Thanks a million. WE are the BEST.

The film should be posted on the Filmanthropist Project website shortly and when it does I'll let you all know.

Ready for the next round guys and gals?

A Bene Placit

Monday, December 7, 2009

"He's all yours, Rosebud me old son."

Saw a lot of things this weekend not the least of which was the Reckless Ones playing to the hometown crowd at the Sauce after being over on the other side on the pond in the UK. Small world story. Justin Staggs showed our class his latest music video Dead and Gone with the Reckless Ones. I've since done some work with him as I've already told ya'. The crazy part you ask? The buddy I went with knew the lead singer of the band! Small World.

Working on wrapping up classes and that means my portfolio and website! The home stretch. Just got my domain and my site should be up by the end of the week.

Just saw the The Road on the big screen. I must say it is for sure a must buy. It's however not better than the book. Speaking of which I also recommend Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower.
I wish to play with these palettes...

Fresh to Blu-Ray Fight Club, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch! Also, got to mention Up, Dead Presidents, Killing Machine, Azumi, and The Inglorious Bastards from way back in 1978.

Lastly, White Heat with James Cagney. It was playing when I woke up on AMC and it almost made me late to the Kay Put Some Sauce On It shoot! Yeah, I'm a sucker for the oldies. They goodies.

'I once was lost, but now am found'
Okay, not so much the last part.

Communibus Locis