Friday, November 18, 2011


Old Abbot has entered this year's Doritos Crash the Superbowl Contest. CLICK HERE to view the commercial and see how Franco can help you snack into shape.

Special Thanks to Producer Jon Sadeh, Actors Conor Champley, Jon Krivo, Brian Marcou, and Sammy Sadeh. Also, Nalini Ramer for the location, and Tom Ringdal for the technical assistance. We made some magic. Fantastic!

Projects still flow in the pipeline with Sawatdee Express Uptown, Games N Go, Galaxy Youth Center, and our untitled film about competitive fighting game players. Same URL, some other time, stay tuned.

Citius Altius Fortius

Monday, November 14, 2011


With stores in Brooklyn Park, Maplewood, and Roseville Games N Go has become Minnesota’s biggest and best local gaming tournament circuit. With literally thousands given out in prizes a year in games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter.

Special Thanks to Triet Nguyen, Gene Richtsmeier, Jon Sadeh, Jimmy Berg, Richard Thiher, Taylor Trygstad, and Tom Ringdal. Same URL, some other time, stay tuned.

In Utrumque Paratus