Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Thank You From The Heart [TRAILER]

Here it is everybody the trailer for our short documentary which won Best Picture for the Filmanthropist Project at the Oak Street Cinema back on December 13th, 2009.

Ave Maria

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Well, by all means, share it with the squad."

Well, after a few delays and a best in picture award, Media Storm / Standby Productions has five thousands dollars to play with!

After three attempts it was the correct semester and we had enough people to vote at the monthly Student Life Board meeting. As the President of the IDVP student group Media Storm it's up to me to ask for funds for side projects and the like. So I asked for two grand for the 24 Hour Film Race this April in Minneapolis. Another two grand to buy equipment and other such goodies for our upcoming productions including the one I hinted at before. Lastly, a thousand dollars for the SkillsUSA state contest to be held at the Hennepin Technical College campus this spring.

This is the third time in total I've asked for funding for projects and the third time the request has been approved. It's been a great asset since the first time I was at the helm of a film back in 2008 with the 48 Hour Film Project and Alpha Omega Pictures may you rest in peace old boy.

The trailer for A Thank You From The Heart is very much nearing the end of the pipe! Should be online no later than this weekend for everybody to see!

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made."

Installed Final Cut Studio III and OS X Snow Leopard on the old Mac this weekend. Thus, lots of waiting, and so another blog.

Tomorrow, I've got to go make my pitch to the Hennepin Technical College Student Life Board for funding our next picture. The proposal is for five grand with the goal of buying some much needed equipment. Namely, c-stands, apple boxes, and some various shotgun microphones. Also, fund the next big thing from Standby Productions. I'll be filling you in with more details on that real soon. Wouldn't wanna jinx her before she's off the ground and standing on her own. Mary Shelley would be proud.

The trailer for A Thank You From The Heart should be up very, very, very soon. Sadly, the films have not been posted to the Filmanthropist Project website as of yet. So, 'till then I plan on posting this trailer to give all of those who didn't see it at the Oak Street Cinema back in December a taste.

Before I shut off the lights on this post I've been watching some flicks. Surprise, surprise. Right at Your Door a very well put together indy end of the world flick that got a whole lot of a heck right. Hey, armageddon is hell. Short Circuit 2, Last Action Hero, In the Line of Fire, Easy Rider, The Omega Man, and the new Diablo Cody film Jennifer's Body. Yikes, from Juno [homerun] to a mere single. Sure it's got Megan Fox which don't hurt my eyes, but the dialogue sure did hurt my ears. Memo to self - If I ever go with a smartass and know it all I'm going with little Miss Ellen Page. Yowza! To end things on a high note I'll recommend The Hurt Locker which was an amazing film about the E.O.D. a story to tell to say the least. Flawless victory. One of the best war films I have ever seen, and I've seen my share of war films. SEE IT.

In Somnis Veritas

Thursday, January 14, 2010

25 Years, 25 Films

Today is my 25th Birthday, and over my quarter of a century on this rock I've seen a lot of films. Here are twenty-five that have inspired me and shaped my perception of storytelling on the silver screen.

Battle Royale
This movie shocked me like none before or since. I thank the guy I worked with at Blockbuster for leading me to this gem.

The Big Lebowski
The greatest motion picture ever made in my humble opinion I must opine.

Child's Play
Chucky scared the crap out of me as a kid. Dolls and I were never the same again.

Dawn of the Dead [1978]
This started my love for the undead or living dead or what have you. It's just too bad they're not Nazi's as well. Untoten!

Robert Rodriguez's masterwork [thus far]. Sorry, Spy Kids. I feel this was the movie he had in mind when he made El Mariachi and it was the film that showed me that even with a little you can make a lot. A Legend really. Two words. Hand cannon.

Dick Tracy
Directed by Warren Beatty the film is one of the best studio pictures that Mr. Beatty help kill back with Bonnie and Clyde. Vittorio Storaro's cinematography is simply stunning. The lighting, art direction, and casting are among the best of all time. Ain't that right Flattop?

Enemy at the Gates
The story of dueling snipers during the battle of the Stalingrad is uniuqe it's ability to tell the larger tale of the war between the Nazi's and the Red Army in two lone wolves. Ed Harris and Jude Law's eyes make this film.

Inglourious Basterds
World War II. Spaghetti Western. Quentin Tarantino. Enough said.

No Country for Old Men
The Coen brothers do it once again this time with the Cormac Mccarthy novel. Javier Bardem haunts me in my nightmares. Vast, empty, and simply stunning.

North by Northwest
The film that started my lover affair with Alfred Hitchcock, and the theory that less is more.

The single shot fight scene is but a footnote in this amazing film that left me speechless.

Out of the Past
This 1947 RKO noir is one of the blueprints of the genre. Based on the 1946 novel Build My Gallows High. Robert Mitchum as Jeff Bailey creates the archetype of the lost private eye on the hunt for the elusive dame seen in countless films since. I for one live for it...

Radio Flyer
The motion picture that made realize the power of film and lead me down the path I'm on. Despite the fact that Hank Williams Jambalaya is a happy song Director Richard Donner is able to ruin it for me with is paring of it with the abusive stepfather know as the King. This one is etched into my psyche.

Robot Jox
After World War III the world bans war all together instead, men in fifty foot mech suits battle it out one on one for territory and power. It must be seen to be understood and appreciated.

The Rock
Welcome to one of the greatest action films ever made, and yes I say that even with the casting of Nicolas Cage.

The Rocketeer
An art deco homage to the 1940's serial King of the Rocket Men, I must say bravo! This is the plan kids...

The Sandlot
To this day this film is able to turn me into a little boy, like only live explosions can! Much like Radio Flyer this film bends reality as kids tend to do sometimes. Like that film it works to great effect. Forever.

The Searchers
Unequaled. Masterpiece. Perfection.

Shogun Assassin
The film[s] that inspired Kill Bill and countless others has inspired another!

Singin' in the Rain
Best musical period. Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds bring the Vaudeville to the big screen in style and with a smile. Makes me laugh every time.

Starship Troopers
With spaceships made with models rather than processors, and a story to boot this one is still epic. It's human vs bug for survival. Campy and powerful this is a must see for war and scieice fiction fan like myself.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
CG can suck an egg! When I was a kid I was sure after seeing the teaser trailer on the Burger King VHS that came with your kids meal for $1.99 extra. Fairly sure it was The Great Boldini... Sorry, I'm back. After always seeing them as cartoons I was now convinced they were just as real as you or I. To this day Jim Henson's work stands the test of time. For example look at the digital Yoda... Smashes 'em. Cowabunga!

Termintor 2: Judgement Day
Greatest sequel ever. James Cameron's masterpiece. This film shaped my perception of film and will continue to do so to the grave.

The Wizard
California. Fred Savage. Oh yeah, and a little game know as Super Mario Bros 3 Marketing synergy at it finest. Animalssss!

For me this was the first time a comic book truly came to life on film. A masterful transition in mediums even if Zach Snyders commerical background is very clear for all to see just like it was in his Dawn of the Dead remake. Still got to give the man props for the storytelling. Frank Miller's The Spirt made this all the more clear. Sparta!

These are not my favorite films of all time or anything like that, moreover they are the films that left the biggest marks on me as a filmmaker. I can't wait for future lessons. Well, I'll see you all in another twenty-five! 2010 is looking to be an fruitful year for myself and my chosen craft. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I look forward to sharing it all with you right here. More updates to come as always. I'm off to celebrate, and enjoy this once in a life time event.

Gegangen zum Untoten

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kay - Livin' Life Like a Video: Photo Shoot 2010

A behind the scenes look at the photo shoot at 13twentythree Photography. I was the Director, Cinematographer, and Editor for this project. More to come from Livin' Life Like a Video series and other Fresh ENT projects.

I'd like to thank Kay Hussein, Mohamed Sufi, Ciise Cali, Gus Roble, Dadir A.O., and Rich Peterson.

I'm about to turn twenty-five years old! Now I know I said I was going to do my top nine of '09, but I've got a new and bigger plan...